Veteran Banners 

The Mount Washington Community Development Corporation is proud to join the Veteran’s from VFW 5111 and Theresa Kail-Smith in the effort to honor Mt. Washington Veterans.

For over 20 years, the Veterans of VFW Post 5111 attempted to have banners hung throughout Mt. Washington and Duquesne Heights to honor their brother and sister veterans that served our country. 

Notable Mt. Washington veterans like Al Brusco, Jim Nolan, and Al Young, among others, passed away without seeing this laudable project come to fruition.

In December of 2021, Tom Tighe, a MWCDC Board member met with Council President Smith and the members of VFW 5111 to renew efforts of making the Veteran’s dream a reality. Mr. Tighe volunteered to be the project manager on behalf of the MWCDC 

After five months of intensive work DOMI in conjunction with Duquesne Light has approved the permit to hang banners on a total of 41 poles on Grandview Ave., Shiloh St. and Virginia Ave.

As of October 1, 2022 eighty one veteran families have applied to have their loved one’s banners be hung on the poles of Mt. Washington and Duquesne Heights. The eighty one banners have been printed and are ready for installation.

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Mount Washington Community Development Corporation
608 Virginia Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15211
412.481.3220   |   [email protected]